Ultradian Oscillations of Insulin and Glucose

Citation: Jeppe Sturis, Kenneth S. Polonsky, Erik Mokilde, and Eve van Cauter. Computer Model for Mechanisms Underlying Ultradian Oscillations of Insulin and Glucose. Am. J. Physiol. 260 (Endocrinol. Metab. 23): E801-E809, 1991.

Source: Replicated by Hank Taylor

Units: No Yes!

Format: Vensim

Ultradian Oscillations of Insulin and Glucose (Vensim .vpm)

Update, 10/2017:

Refreshed, with units defined (mathematically the same as before): ultradia2.vpm ultradia2.mdl

Further refined, for initialization in equilibrium (insulin by analytic expression; glucose by parameter). Glucose infusion turned on by default. Graphs added.

ultradia-enhanced-3.mdl ultradia-enhanced-3.vpm

Sea Level Rise

Citations: Rahmstorf 2007, “A semi-empirical approach to projecting future sea level rise.” Science 315. Grinsted, Moore & Jevrejeva 2009. “Reconstructing sea level from paleo and projected temperatures 200 to 2100 AD.” Climate Dynamics [1]

Source: Replicated by Tom Fiddaman based on an earlier replication of Rahmstorf provided by John Sterman

Units balance: Yes

Format: Vensim; requires Model Reader or an advanced version

Notes: See discussion at metasd.


Grinsted_v3b‎ – first model; default calibration replicates Rahmstorf, and optimization is set up to adjust constant terms to fit Rahmstorf slope to data

Grinsted_v3c – second model; updated data and calibration, as in Part III

Grinsted_v3c-k2 – third model; set up for Kalman filtering, as in Part V

Payments for Environmental Services

Model Name: payments, penalties, and environmental ethic

Citation: Dudley, R. 2007. Payments, penalties, payouts, and environmental ethics: a system dynamics examination Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 3(2):24-35. http://ejournal.nbii.org/archives/vol3iss2/0706-013.dudley.html.

Source: Richard G. Dudley

Copyright: Richard G. Dudley (2007)

License: Gnu GPL

Peer reviewed: Yes (probably when submitted for publication?)

Units balance: Yes

Format: Vensim

Target audience: People interested in the concept of payments for environmental services as a means of improving land use and conservation of natural resources.

Questions answered: How might land users’ environmental ethic be influenced by, and influence, payments for environmental services.

Software: Vensim

Payments for Environmental Services (Vensim .vmf)

Models in the Special Issue of the System Dynamics Review on Environmental and Resource Systems

Submitted by Richard Dudley:

Models in the Special Issue of the System Dynamics Review on Environmental and Resource Systems, Andrew Ford & Robert Cavana, Editors. System Dynamics Review, Volume 20, Number 2, Summer of 2004.

  • Modeling the Effects of a Log Export Ban in Indonesia by Richard G. Dudley
  • The Dynamics of Water Scarcity in Irrigated Landscapes: Mazarron and Aguilas in South-eastern Spain by Julia Martinez Fernandez & Angel Esteve Selma
  • Misperceptions of Basic Dynamics: The Case of Renewable Resource Management by Erling Moxnes
  • Models for Management of Wildlife Populations: Lessons from Spectacle Bears in Zoos and Gizzly Bears in Yellowstone by Lisa Faust, Rosemary Jackson, Andrew Ford, Joanne Earnhardt and Steven Thompson
  • Modeling a Blue-Green Algae Bloom by Steven Arquitt & Ron Johnstone

See the following web site for article summaries and downloadable models described in this special issue:  http://www.wsu.edu/~forda/SIOpen.html