The Monty Python homeschool curriculum

I was planning to write something substantive about education, but I just don’t have time. Instead, I’ll share our homeschool curriculum, built entirely around Monty Python clips. What could be easier?

Physics & Metaphysics:

Political Science:


Phys Ed:



There’s also a Sex Ed unit, but I’ll leave you to discover that on your own.

5 thoughts on “The Monty Python homeschool curriculum”

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention The Monty Python homeschool curriculum « MetaSD --
  2. I stumbled on this post via a tweet and I think I love you. I was raised on Monty Python and am involved with homeschooling. I never thought to incorporate the two. Brilliant.

  3. Thanks!

    Via Facebook:


    I think this curriculum could also very easily be substituted for most MBA programmes across the world; good job Tom!”

    Karan Khosla

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