Doing our bit for the cure … and the cause

I have a soft spot for breast cancer research, but I have to admit that it seemed a little silly when I started getting hay with pink baling twine.

But now it seems the Susan G. Komen foundation for breast cancer has really jumped the shark, with pink drill bits from oilfield service company Baker Hughes. Funding cancer care with revenue derived in part from pumping carcinogens into the ground, providing pinkwash for that practice, seems like rather unsystemic thinking. What’s next, pink cigarettes?

Not so fast?

Maybe Baker Hughes is deriving some enlightenment from the relationship. In a less-noticed bit of news:

As part of our ongoing commitment, we have adopted a new policy with respect to the information that we provide about the chemistry contained within our hydraulic fracturing fluid systems. Beginning October 1, 2014, Baker Hughes will provide a complete, detailed, and public listing of all chemical constituents for all wells that the company fractures using its hydraulic fracturing fluid products.

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