
I’m Tom Fiddaman. I build and use mathematical models for a living. I’m interested in dynamic modeling methods and software, particularly applications in climate and energy policy. I’ve worked on a wide range of topics in public policy and business strategy, including climate, energy, beverage sales, B2B emarkets, hedge funds, pharmaceuticals, pork and dairy commodity cycles, fisheries, and large project management.

I work for Ventana Systems with the Vensim and Ventity teams.

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Creative Commons License
MetaSD blog by Tom Fiddaman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Some content in the Model Library or (naturally) links may be subject to the author’s copyright and therefore not to this license.


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5 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello again, Tom

    I tinkered a bit more on the “polarisation” issue, and would love to share the result with you.

    What email address can I use to send you the vensim file?


    1. Cool. You can send it to tom at this domain. I’m at the SD conference so it might be a while before I can respond.

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