Oct 19-21, 2010 — Boston Mass USA
Climate Interactive and SEED Systems are offering a powerful three-day workshop for innovative climate, energy, and sustainability leaders from business, non-profit, government, and university sectors, led by Drew Jones and Sara Schley.
Attend to develop your capacities in:
• Systems thinking: Causal loop and stock-flow diagramming.
• Leadership: Vision, reflective conversation, consensus building.
• Computer simulation: Using and leading policy-testing with the C-ROADS/C-Learn simulation.
• Policy development: Attendees will play the World Climate exercise.
• Climate, energy, and sustainability strategy: Reflections and insights from international experts.
• Business success stories: What’s working in the new low carbon economy and implications for you.
• Building your network of people sharing aspirations for climate progress.
We will stay connected and collaborate to accelerate progress.
For more information and to register please visit http://climateinteractive.org/events
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