Model Name: World Dynamics
Citation: Jay W. Forrester (1971) World Dynamics. Cambridge, MA: Wright-Allen Press
Source: Standard Vensim distribution
Units balance: Yes
Format: Vensim
Model Name: World Dynamics
Citation: Jay W. Forrester (1971) World Dynamics. Cambridge, MA: Wright-Allen Press
Source: Standard Vensim distribution
Units balance: Yes
Format: Vensim
Model Name: The Energy Transition and the Economy: A System Dynamics Approach
Citation: John D. Sterman, 1981. PhD Dissertation, MIT Sloan School of Management
Source: Replicated by Miguel Vukelic (a heroic effort)
Units balance: Yes
Format: Vensim (Contains data variables and thus requires an advanced version or the free Model Reader)
Model Name: payments, penalties, and environmental ethic
Citation: Dudley, R. 2007. Payments, penalties, payouts, and environmental ethics: a system dynamics examination Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy 3(2):24-35.
Source: Richard G. Dudley
Copyright: Richard G. Dudley (2007)
License: Gnu GPL
Peer reviewed: Yes (probably when submitted for publication?)
Units balance: Yes
Format: Vensim
Target audience: People interested in the concept of payments for environmental services as a means of improving land use and conservation of natural resources.
Questions answered: How might land users’ environmental ethic be influenced by, and influence, payments for environmental services.
Software: Vensim