Submission Guidelines

I’m always thrilled to have new replications of classic models and useful model components. Because I can’t effectively curate other formats, I’m  standardizing on Vensim file formats for contributions. Vensim files may be submitted in .vmf, .mdl, .vpm, and .vpa format. Models that use auxiliary files (.cin, .xls, .vdf, etc.) should use published model format (.vpm) or be placed in a .zip archive.

To submit a model:

Be sure you have permission from the copyright holder, or that the model is in the public domain or under a sharing-friendly license.

Use the template below to create a new page for your model (improve the template as needed).

If possible, add an abstract, pretty pictures, etc. to indicate what the model is about. Provide .pdf papers or link to external sites to provide background.

I may eventually enable user registration here, but for now, email submissions to me:


An ideal model will observe the following guidelines:

   * Vensim or another standard modeling package format (any version; preferably no external function library dependencies)
   * Clean diagram (hopefully with views corresponding to published diagrams)
   * Clean variable names (if original uses short names, append clear names at the end, e.g., "DCD" becomes "DCD Developer Cost of Disposal"
   * Documentation wherever equations are not self-explanatory
   * Numerically correct (replicates published results, or documents discrepancies)
   * Custom graphs predefined where useful
   * Command scripts, changes files, or other means to automate scenario/experiment replication
   * Units balance
   * Title page in the model, with source attribution, license information (if any), a link to this library, etc.

For Vensim models, it’s a good idea to include a PLE-compatible binary (.vmf), or a published model (.vpm) for use with the Vensim Model Reader.


Model Name: BANANA

Citation: J.P. Modeler (2005) Dynamics of Fruit. Journal of Nonlinear Agriculture 8:3, pg. 801-805

Source: ????

Copyright: J.P. Modeler (2005)

License: Gnu GPL

Replicated by: I.M. Gradstudent, 2008

Peer reviewed: Yes

Units balance: Yes

Format: Vensim

Target audience: Orchard managers

Questions answered: Should managers spray for medflies? Which came first, the apple, or the worm?

Software: Vensim

Notes: Discussion, images, etc.