2 thoughts on “Jay Forrester on hope for the coming century”

  1. Some really great lines. Thanks for sharing Tom.

    I think the landscape really is shifting and there are some big opportunities for brining system dynamics and other thoughtful problem solving approaches to the fore.

    You’ve been pretty much silent on my side project (thefoundationparty.org), but starting in July I’ll be devoting much more time to pushing it onto the stage. Hopefully we can catch up at the SD conference. I think you’ll have a lot of good insights for what I’m trying to do.

  2. Jay has been quite right, and we all see the complexity around us. All too often decisive action is called for by politicians, political groups, the media or citizens themselves. However, as Jay points out, it makes little sense to fight the seen/felt symptoms (e.g. climate crisis) not asking more deeply about the root causes and dynamics that have been at play for years or decades.

    I am still astounded about Jay Forrester’s wisdom that he was sharing so willingly and should be much more known to the public than it is today. Even the fact that this short interview clip is six years old does not mean it has reached the end of its relevance.

    Thanks a lot, Tom for mentioning how you found the video 🙂 (just found out by coincidence/serendipity while updating on a blog of mine touching the impact of Jay’s work on my own life)

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