MSU Covid Evaluation

Well, my prediction of 10/9 covid cases at MSU, made on 10/6 using 10/2 data, was right on the money: I extrapolated 61 from cumulative cases, and the actual number was 60. (I must have made a typo or mental math error in reporting the expected cumulative cases, because 157+61 <> 207. The number I actually extrapolated was 157*e^.33 = 218 = 157 + 61.)

That’s pretty darn good, though I shouldn’t take too much credit, because my confidence bounds would have been wide, had I included them in the letter. Anyway, it was a fairly simpleminded exercise, far short of calibrating a real model.

Interestingly, the 10/16 release has 65 new cases, which is lower than the next simple extrapolation of 90 cases. However, Poisson noise in discrete events like this is large (the variance equals the mean, so this result is about two and a half standard deviations low), and we still don’t know how much testing is happening. I would still guess that case growth is positive, with R above 1, so it’s still an open question whether MSU will make it to finals with in-person classes.

Interestingly, the increased caseload in Gallatin County means that contact tracing and quarantine resources are now strained. This kicks off a positive feedback: increased caseload means that fewer contacts are traced and quarantined. That in turn means more transmission from infected people in the wild, further increasing caseload. MSU is relying on county resources for testing and tracing, so presumably the university is caught in this loop as well.



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