Just Say No to Complex Equations

Found in an old version of a project model:

IF THEN ELSE( First Time Work Flow[i,Proj,stage
] * TIME STEP >= ( Perceived First Time Scope UEC Work
[i,Proj,uec] + Unstarted Work[i,Proj,stage] )
:OR: Task Is Active[i,Proj,Workstage] = 0
:OR: avg density of OOS work[i,Proj,stage] > OOS density threshold,
Completed work still out of sequence[i,Proj,stage] / TIME STEP
+ new work out of sequence[i,Proj,stage] ,
MIN( Completed work still out of sequence[i,Proj,stage] / Minimum Time to Retrofit Prerequisites into OOS Work
+ new work out of sequence[i,Proj,stage],
new work in sequence[i,Proj,stage]
* ZIDZ( avg density of OOS work[i,Proj,stage],
1 – avg density of OOS work[i,Proj,stage] ) ) )

An equation like this needs to be broken into at least 3 or 4 human-readable chunks. In reviewing papers for the SD conference, I see similar constructions more often than I’d like.

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