An application of model critique

This long post walks through a real-world critique of an interesting model – this year’s Dana Meadows Award winner.

Testing is the key to making a good model even better.

Model Quality: the High Road

Therefore, in the interest of continuous improvement, I’ll take a hard look at a very interesting model. To get in the spirit, you might want to take a look at How to Critique a Model and my video critique of World Dynamics. I’m taking this model apart not because it’s bad, but because it’s interesting and worth investigating. (Taking apart bad models is sometimes fun too, but the supply of them is overwhelming.)

Before digging in, let me point out that I have no particular expertise in this area, so my critique is purely technical.


The model (originally in STELLA, translated to Vensim here) passed my initial sniff test – no strange formulations, ugly spaghetti, cryptic variable names, or unit errors in the original.

However, it turns out that STELLA’s unit checking is not very strict. For example, it permits:

LOG10(Free Cortisol)/LOG10(Ref Free Cortisol)

with cortisol in units of nmol. This is a conceptual error –  logarithms are fundamentally dimensionless. Fortunately, it’s without consequence for model behavior – it just scales the input to a lookup.

Here, a better normalization would be:

LOG10(Free Cortisol/Ref Free Cortisol)

In my translation, I didn’t fix these issues; I suppressed them with a “DMNL LOG10” macro that hides the warning.

STELLA also permits unnormalized lookups without issuing a warning (maybe this is a buried preference somewhere). This is not necessarily an error, but it’s not best practice. It may conceal errors, and makes analysis difficult (more on this below).

One reviewer pointed out that a number of physical processes in the model are represented by goal seeking structures – essentially SMOOTHs. Here, the number of glucocorticoid receptors adjusts toward a level indicated by cortisol levels:

This is basically a shorthand for a real physical process that must involve inflows and outflows, something like this:

The physical representation is potentially better because it’s more operational. It invites more thinking along the lines of “where do these receptors come from?” It exposes one important possibility: asymmetry. The process that increases GR numbers might have a different time constant from the process that decreases GR numbers. However, absent detailed information about GR regulation, I have no idea how to implement such a thing. Maybe no one does: my experience with biological models is that there are always many layers of complexity surrounding the system of interest, and the literature often just scratches the surface.


The first thing I test in most models is to vary TIME STEP to check stability. The usual trick is to halve TIME STEP and see if you get the same answer, but this model already runs for 92,160 time steps (128 steps per hour for 720 hours). I don’t see any delays that are small enough to require that, but you can’t always see implicit time constants in a model. Still, I wonder, could you get away with a coarser step?

If you double the TIME STEP, you immediately see differences:

This suggests that TIME STEP needs to be small (perhaps even smaller than its already-tiny value). But where does this come from? It turns out to be due to the test input. In the original, the external stress consists of a series of IF THEN ELSE statements, like:

IF((TIME>1) AND (TIME<1+Stress_Stimulus_Duration)) THEN (1) ELSE(0) + ...

I implemented this in the Vensim version via the PULSE TRAIN function. But there’s a small problem here: if the stress stimulus duration is not a power of 2, the effective width of the pulse will vary a little bit as you change the TIME STEP (assuming that it is a power of 2, as is usual to minimize roundoff error). That in turn means that the area under the curve of the stress perception inflow to the model varies slightly with the duration of the pulse.

Often, that won’t matter, but because this model has a numerically sensitive threshold, it matters a lot.

It turns out that if you renormalize the external stress input to deliver constant area under the curve (see the updated model for details), you can get away with a TIME STEP of .03125 – 4x bigger. I think one might carry this idea even further, and switch to RK4 Auto integration and make the test input smooth, but I haven’t tried that. Fortunately, all of this concerns the test input to the model alone; the dynamics are nearly unaffected.

Lookup Bounds

Next, I check runtime warnings. This model generates quite a few, all concerning lookups that are out of bounds, like:

WARNING: Lookup out of bounds at 24.125 In -#ProCyt Eff on TRP#- computing -ProCyt Eff on TRP-.

It might be OK to run off the ends of a lookup table, if the slope at the endpoints is zero. But I prefer to suppress these warnings by adding points to the ends of the lookup so that the needed domain is explicitly covered. Most of these turn out to be OK, but I modified them anyway to suppress the warnings:

A few cases are hard to reconcile without more knowledge than I have. For example:

Above, the GR function effect has a small discontinuity. Its input (GR function) seems to be bounded at one, but adding (1,1) to the lookup would cause a break in the slope. I prefer to leave such warnings in place for later review.

Extreme Conditions

My next probe of a model is generally random Synthesim overrides of key stocks and flows, to see whether the model is robust to extreme disturbances. Generally, I’d say that this model is unusually robust, in that it’s hard to get stocks to go negative or produce other undesirable behavior. That’s good. Part of the reason for this may be that many of the relationships in the model are sigmoids, and therefore bounded above and below.

Here’s one example of a test: I replicate the “probable depression” scenario from the paper, and increase the size of the one-time external stress to 100 (2x). Then I look at every stock in the model to see what happens (the stocks are the state of the system, so if you look at those, you know everything). This is easy in Vensim if you create an instance of the Strip Graph that shows all levels:

One thing jumps out at me: the initial response of serotonin is opposite the long term response:

This is not unusual, and it’s mentioned in the paper. However, I got curious about its origins, so I started causal tracing to identify the source of the behavior. The answer is … it’s complicated. But along the way, I do notice some fairly extreme nonlinear behaviors, like this:

Is this realistic, or is it a consequence of lookup table clipping and log(x)/log(y) normalizations? I can’t say for sure, but this tests the limits of what I perceive as reasonable behavior. But then, if systems don’t occasionally surprise you with weird (but real) behavior, you’re not paying attention. This is something I’d flag for further investigation.


Ultimately, what we want out of this model is to identify interventions that can help people with immune/hormone/mood problems. The obvious way to get that advice out of the model is to do a lot of sensitivity analysis to test alternatives. Generically, we’re interested in two things:

  • Can you change the system state directly in some beneficial way, e.g. by administering a drug that supplies a hormone, or lowering stress?
  • Can you restructure the system, by changing parameters that govern the strength of feedback loops or adding/deleting links?

In a sense, these are all the same thing – a parameter is just a constant state that isn’t in the model (yet), and adding a link is like giving an implicit 0 parameter a nonzero value.

For the answers to make sense, you need a way to (a) influence each state, and (b) change the gain of each loop, preferably independently. In this model, that’s a bit tricky. Consider the effects of ProInflammatory Cytokines:

There are effects on stress, cortisol, and other things. Each has its own sigmoid-shaped lookup table transforming the input to the output. All the inputs are normalized to the same constant, Ref ProCyt. The normalization is good practice, but insufficient for testing purposes, because there’s no independent way to vary the gain on these loops by varying the shapes of the lookups. Yes, it’s possible to simply edit the curves, but that’s impractical for comprehensive, automated experimentation. Two approaches might be helpful:

1. Replace the lookups with parametric curves. Then the parameters can be varied to shift and stretch the functions. This is attractive because you get smooth behavior and a lot of flexibility. However, it’s a lot of work to implement. The functional forms may be arcane, and  you can’t easily visualize them until you run the model. Here are a few sigmoid options I’ve collected over the years:

:MACRO: SSHAPE3(x,slope,lowlim,uplim,x0)
SSHAPE3 = lowlim+(uplim-lowlim)*(1/(1+exp(-4*slope*xe))) ~ Dmnl ~ defaults: lowlim= 0; uplim = 1; slope = 1; x0=1 this gives a symmetric \ S-shape from lowlim to uplim through with 1 being the inflection point and \ derivative =  at this point = slope*(uplim-lowlim) |
xe = MAX(-ZIDZ(25,4*ABS(slope)),MIN(x-x0,ZIDZ(25,4*ABS(slope)))) ~ Dmnl ~ Clip to avoid floating point errors at extreme positive / negative values \ of x |

:MACRO: SSHAPE2(input)
SSHAPE2 = exp(MAX(-50,MIN(50,input)))/(1+exp(MAX(-50,MIN(50,input)))) ~ Dmnl ~ Exponential s-shaped curve; -infinity -> 0, 0 -> .5, infinity -> 1 |

:MACRO: SSHAPE(xin,profile)
SSHAPE = IF THEN ELSE( input>0.5, 1-(1-input)^profile*0.5/0.5^profile, input^profile*\ 0.5/0.5^profile) ~ Dmnl ~ S-shaped response, from 0-1 for input from 0-1. Profile should normally be >=1 \ (1=linear; 2=quadratic) Always passes through (0.5, 0.5) |
input = MIN(1,MAX(0,xin)) ~ xin ~ |

2. Apply scaling parameters around the lookups. For example, if you’re starting with:

output = lookup( input/reference input )

you can add:

output = reference output*lookup( input/reference input )^scale


output = reference output*( 1-scale + scale*lookup( input/reference input ))

These don’t give you full control over the upper and lower bounds, slopes and asymptotes of the table, and they might not work when the lookup doesn’t pass through some obvious point like (1,1) or (0,0). So, in some cases you may need to be cleverer, or to choose approach #1 instead.

STELLA lookups, and Vensim’s WITH LOOKUP function, don’t really lend themselves to this treatment – you have to add an additional variable to transform the output downstream of the lookup. That’s why I tend to prefer the original Vensim lookup syntax. However it’s implemented, I think some level of parametric control over lookup usage is essential.

After some noodling, I settled on the following policy:

  • For dimensionless parameters with (apparent) 0-1 bounds, or centered around 1, apply a scaling exponent, so y = y0*lookup(x/x0)^s
  • For parameters bounded below at 0, apply a scaling multiplier, so y = s*lookup(x/x0)
  • For parameters with log inputs, apply a shift of the input, so y = lookup(x/x0+s)
  • Where I couldn’t figure out what do do, or a loop already contains other independent scaling parameters, skip the item

With scaling parameters in place, I ran an all-constants sensitivity analysis on the model, testing the effect of 10% variations in each parameter against the integrated serotonin level over the simulation. I started from 2 cases: the “daily stress” scenario (repeated small events), and the “probable depression” scenario (one large stress event). I then sorted the results by rank of influence on serotonin:

These are interesting in several ways:

  • The model is only moderately sloppy – many parameters have a strong effect, especially in the Daily Stress scenario.
  • There are big differences in sensitivity between the two scenarios, even though they differ only in the test input. This suggests that policies might have to be tailored to the stressor, among other things.
  • Some of the scale parameters on lookups are near the top of the list, confirming that testing lookup tables matters.

From a policy standpoint, you have to know a little more to make sense of these. What matters is not so much the response to a 10% change, but the response to an X% change, where X is the amount you could plausibly move a parameter. For example, preventing degradation of glucocorticoid receptors is clearly important (Ref GR Deg Fraction, top of list). However, the corresponding Permanent Degeneration Time is at the bottom of the list, presumably because a 10% change from 10 hours has only a tiny effect on the time horizon of the simulation. One would have to be more ambitious than that, but it might still be important.

Bottom Line

While there are a few features that could be reexamined, this model stands up to hard use well. It would also have to pass the face validity test with people who actually know something about the system, but given the paper’s citation list, I would anticipate some success on that front.

I think there might be a lot of interesting policy implications lurking in this model, waiting for an intrepid explorer with more subject matter expertise than I have. I think the crucial point here is that the structure identifies a mechanism by which patient outcomes can be strongly path dependent, where positive feedback preserves a bad state long after harmful stimuli are removed. Among other things, this might explain why it’s so hard to treat such patients. That in turn could be a basis for something I’ve observed in the health system – that a lot of doctors find autoimmune diseases mysterious and frustrating, and respond with a variation on the fundamental attribution error – attributing bad outcomes to patient motivation when delayed, nonlinear feedback is responsible.


Bernoulli and Poisson are in a bar …

Bernoulli asks, “how long have we been here?” Poisson replies, “I have no idea.”

Bad joke aside, memoryless behavior is a key component of a toy model of car rentals I made a while ago. I recently noticed that I was a bit lazy in my choice of RANDOM functions, so I’ve produced an update.

The difference is in the use of Poisson and Binomial distribution functions. In the original, I used the Poisson distribution everywhere to represent arrival processes. That’s reasonable in the limit, where a large number of candidate arrivals are realized with a small probability, such that the expected arrivals occur at some finite rate.

Think of a lemonade stand on a busy street – there’s a very large population of potential lemonade buyers, but only a small fraction actually stop for a drink. Normally, we don’t want to model the street and the traffic generation process, so it’s reasonable to assume independent arrivals from a large pool at some rate that we can measure, using the Poisson distribution. This is similar to using a cloud in SD to indicate a source or sink that we aren’t modeling. Continue reading “Bernoulli and Poisson are in a bar …”

Forrester on Continuous Flows

I just published three short videos with sample models, illustrating representation of discrete and random events in Vensim.

Jay Forrester‘s advice from Industrial Dynamics is still highly relevant. Here’s an excerpt:

Chapter 5, Principles for Formulating Models

5.5 Continuous Flows

In formulating a model of an industrial operation, we suggest that the system be treated, at least initially, on the basis of continuous flows and interactions of the variables. Discreteness of events is entirely compatible with the concept of information-feedback systems, but we must be on guard against unnecessarily cluttering our formulation with the detail of discrete events that only obscure the momentum and continuity exhibited by our industrial systems.

In beginning, decisions should be formulated in the model as if they were continuously (but not implying instantaneously) responsive to the factors on which they are based. This means that decisions will not be formulated for intermittent reconsideration each week, month or year. For example, factory production capacity would vary continuously, not by discrete additions. Ordering would go on continuously, not monthly when the stock records are reviewed.

There are several reasons for recommending the initial formulation of a continuous model:

  • Real systems are more nearly continuous than is commonly supposed …
  • There will usually be considerable “aggregation” …
  • A continuous-flow system is usually an effective first approximation …
  • There is a natural tendency of model builders and executives to overstress the discontinuities of real situations. …
  • A continuous-flow model helps to concentrate attention on the central framework of the system. …
  • As a starting point, the dynamics of the continuous-flow model are usually easier to understand …
  • A discontinuous model, which is evaluated at infrequent intervals, such as an economic model solved for a new set of values annually, should never be justified by the fact that data in the real system have been collected at such infrequent intervals. …

These comments should never be construed as suggesting that the model builder should lack interest in the microscopic separate events that occur in a continuous-flow channel. The course of the continuous flow is the course of the separate events in it. By studying individual events we get a picture of how decisions are made and how the flows are delayed. The study of individual events is on of our richest sources of information about the way the flow channels of the model should be constructed. When a decision is actually being made regularly on a periodic basis, like once a month, the continuous-flow equivalent channel should contain a delay of half the interval; this represents the average delay encountered by information in the channel.

The preceding comments do not imply that discreteness is difficult to represent, nor that it should forever be excluded from a model. At times it will become significant. For example, it may create a disturbance that will cause system fluctuations that can be mistakenly interreted as externally generated cycles (…). When a model has progressed to the point where such refinements are justified, and there is reason to believe that discreteness has a significant influence on system behavior, discontinuous variables should then be explored to determine their effect on the model.

[Ellipses added – see the original for elaboration.]

Dynamics of Term Limits

I am a little encouraged to see that the very top item on Trump’s first 100 day todo list is term limits:

* FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;

Certainly the defects in our electoral and campaign finance system are among the most urgent issues we face.

Assuming other Republicans could be brought on board (which sounds unlikely), would term limits help? I didn’t have a good feel for the implications, so I built a model to clarify my thinking.

I used our new tool, Ventity, because I thought I might want to extend this to multiple voting districts, and because it makes it easy to run several scenarios with one click.

Here’s the setup:


The model runs over a long series of 4000 election cycles. I could just as easily run 40 experiments of 100 cycles or some other combination that yielded a similar sample size, because the behavior is ergodic on any time scale that’s substantially longer than the maximum number of terms typically served.

Each election pits two politicians against one another. Normally, an incumbent faces a challenger. But if the incumbent is term-limited, two challengers face each other.

The electorate assesses the opponents and picks a winner. For challengers, there are two components to voters’ assessment of attractiveness:

  • Intrinsic performance: how well the politician will actually represent voter interests. (This is a tricky concept, because voters may want things that aren’t really in their own best interest.) The model generates challengers with random intrinsic attractiveness, with a standard deviation of 10%.
  • Noise: random disturbances that confuse voter perceptions of true performance, also with a standard deviation of 10% (i.e. it’s hard to tell who’s really good).

Once elected, incumbents have some additional features:

  • The assessment of attractiveness is influenced by an additional term, representing incumbents’ advantages in electability that arise from things that have no intrinsic benefit to voters. For example, incumbents can more easily attract funding and press.
  • Incumbent intrinsic attractiveness can drift. The drift has a random component (i.e. a random walk), with a standard deviation of 5% per term, reflecting changing demographics, technology, etc. There’s also a deterministic drift, which can either be positive (politicians learn to perform better with experience) or negative (power corrupts, or politicians lose touch with voters), defaulting to zero.
  • The random variation influencing voter perceptions is smaller (5%) because it’s easier to observe what incumbents actually do.

There’s always a term limit of some duration active, reflecting life expectancy, but the term limit can be made much shorter.

Here’s how it behaves with a 5-term limit:


Politicians frequently serve out their 5-term limit, but occasionally are ousted early. Over that period, their intrinsic performance varies a lot:


Since the mean challenger has 0 intrinsic attractiveness, politicians outperform the average frequently, but far from universally. Underperforming politicians are often reelected.

Over a long time horizon (or similarly, many districts), you can see how average performance varies with term limits:


With no learning, as above, term limits degrade performance a lot (top panel). With a 2-term limit, the margin above random selection is about 6%, whereas it’s twice as great (>12%) with a 10-term limit. This is interesting, because it means that the retention of high-performing politicians improves performance a lot, even if politicians learn nothing from experience.

This advantage holds (but shrinks) even if you double the perception noise in the selection process. So, what does it take to justify term limits? In my experiments so far, politician performance has to degrade with experience (negative learning, corruption or losing touch). Breakeven (2-term limits perform the same as 10-term limits) occurs at -3% to -4% performance change per term.

But in such cases, it’s not really the term limits that are doing the work. When politician performance degrades rapidly with time, voters throw them out. Noise may delay the inevitable, but in my scenario, the average politician serves only 3 terms out of a limit of 10. Reducing the term limit to 1 or 2 does relatively little to change performance.

Upon reflection, I think the model is missing a key feature: winner-takes-all, redistricting and party rules that create safe havens for incompetent incumbents. In a district that’s split 50-50 between brown and yellow, an incompetent brown is easily displaced by a yellow challenger (or vice versa). But if the split is lopsided, it would be rare for a competent yellow challenger to emerge to replace the incompetent yellow incumbent. In such cases, term limits would help somewhat.

I can simulate this by making the advantage of incumbency bigger (raising the saturation advantage parameter):


However, long terms are a symptom of the problem, not the root cause. Therefore it probably necessary in addition to address redistricting, campaign finance, voter participation and education, and other aspects of the electoral process that give rise to the problem in the first place. I’d argue that this is the single greatest contribution Trump could make.

You can play with the model yourself using the Ventity beta/trial and this model archive:

The dynamics of UFO sightings

The Economist reports on UFO sightings:

UFOdataThis deserves a model:


UFOs.vpm (Vensim published model, requires Pro/DSS or the free Reader)

The model is a mixed discrete/continuous simulation of an individual sleeping, working and drinking. This started out as a multi-agent model, but I realized along the way that sleeping, working and drinking is a fairly ergodic process on long time scales (at least with respect to UFOs), so one individual with a distribution of behaviors over time or simulations is as good as a population of agents.

The model replicates the data somewhat faithfully:

UFOdistributionThe model shows a morning peak (people awake but out and about) and a workday dip (inside, lurking near the water cooler) but the data do not. This suggests to me that:

  • Alcohol is the dominant factor in sightings.
  • I don’t party nearly enough to see a UFO.

Actually, now that I’ve built this version, I think the interesting model would have a longer time horizon, to address the non-ergodic part: contagion of sightings across individuals.

h/t Andreas Größler.

Early economic dynamics: Samuelson's multiplier-accelerator

Paul Samuelson’s 1939 analysis of the multiplier-accelerator is a neat piece of work. Too bad it’s wrong.

Interestingly, this work dates from a time in which the very idea of a mathematical model was still questioned:

Contrary to the impression commonly held, mathematical methods properly employed, far from making economic theory more abstract, actually serve as a powerful liberating device enabling the entertainment and analysis of ever more realistic and complicated hypotheses.

Samuelson should be hailed as one of the early explorers of a very big jungle.

The basic statement of the model is very simple:


In quasi-System Dynamics notation, that looks like:


A caveat:

The limitations inherent in so simplified a picture as that presented here should not be overlooked. In particular, it assumes that the marginal propensity to consume and the relation are constants; actually these will change with the level of income, so that this representation is strictly a marginal analysis to be applied to the study of small oscillations. Nevertheless it is more general than the usual analysis.

Samuelson hand-simulated the model (it’s fun – once – but he runs four scenarios):Simulated Samuelson then solves the discrete time system, to identify four regions with different behavior: goal seeking (exponential decay to a steady state), damped oscillations, unstable (explosive) oscillations, and unstable exponential growth or decline. He nicely maps the parameter space:


ParamRegionBehaviorSo where’s the problem?

The first is not so much of Samuelson’s making as it is a limitation of the pre-computer era. The essential simplification of the model for analytic solution is;


This is fine, but it’s incredibly abstract. Presented with this equation out of context – as readers often are – it’s almost impossible to posit a sensible description of how the economy works that would enable one to critique the model. This kind of notation remains common in econometrics, to the detriment of understanding and progress.

At the first SD conference, Gil Low presented a critique and reconstruction of the MA model that addressed this problem. He reconstructed the model, providing an operational description of the economy that remains consistent with the multiplier-accelerator framework.

LowThe mere act of crafting a stock-flow description reveals problem #1: the basic multiplier-accelerator doesn’t conserve stuff.

inventory1 InventoryCapital2Non-conservation of stuff leads to problem #2. When you do implement inventories and capital stocks, the period of multiplier-accelerator oscillations moves to about 2 decades – far from the 3-7 year period of the business cycle that Samuelson originally sought to explain. This occurs in part because the capital stock, with a 15-year lifetime, introduces considerable momentum. You simply can’t discover this problem in the original multiplier-accelerator framework, because too many physical and behavioral time constants are buried in the assumptions associated with its 2 parameters.

Low goes on to introduce labor, finding that variations in capacity utilization do produce oscillations of the required time scale.

ShortTermI think there’s a third problem with the approach as well: discrete time. Discrete time notation is convenient for matching a model to data sampled at regular intervals. But the economy is not even remotely close to operating in discrete annual steps. Moreover a one-year step is dangerously close to the 3-year period of the business cycle phenomenon of interest. This means that it is a distinct possibility that some of the oscillatory tendency is an artifact of discrete time sampling. While improper oscillations can be detected analytically, with discrete time notation it’s not easy to apply the simple heuristic of halving the time step to test stability, because it merely compresses the time axis or causes problems with implicit time constants, depending on how the model is implemented. Halving the time step and switching to RK4 integration illustrates these issues:


It seems like a no-brainer, that economic dynamic models should start with operational descriptions, continuous time, and engineering state variable or stock flow notation. Abstraction and discrete time should emerge as simplifications, as needed for analysis or calibration. The fact that this has not become standard operating procedure suggests that the invisible hand is sometimes rather slow as it gropes for understanding.

The model is in my library.

See Richardson’s Feedback Thought in Social Science and Systems Theory for more history.

Are all models wrong?

Artem Kaznatcheev considers whether Box’s slogan, “all models are wrong,” should be framed as an empirical question.

Building on the theme of no unnecessary assumptions about the world, @BlackBrane suggested … a position I had not considered before … for entertaining the possibility of a mathematical universe:

[Box’s slogan is] an affirmative statement about Nature that might in fact not be true. Who’s to say that at the end of the day, Nature might not correspond exactly to some mathematical structure? I think the claim is sometimes guilty of exactly what it tries to oppose, namely unjustifiable claims to absolute truth.

I suspect that we won’t learn the answer, at least in my lifetime.

In a sense, the appropriate answer is “who cares?” Whether or not there can in principle be perfect models, the real problem is finding ones that are useful in practice. The slogan isn’t helpful for this. (NIPCC authors seem utterly clueless as well.)

In a related post, AK identifies a 3-part typology of models that suggests a basis for guidance:

  • “Insilications – In physics, we are used to mathematical models that correspond closely to reality. All of the unknown or system dependent parameters are related to things we can measure, and the model is then used to compute dynamics, and predict the future value of these parameters. …
  • Heuristics – … When George Box wrote that “all models are wrong, but some are useful”, I think this is the type of models he was talking about. It is standard to lie, cheat, and steal when you build these sort of models. The assumptions need not be empirically testable (or even remotely true, at times), and statistics and calculations can be used to varying degree of accuracy or rigor. … A theorist builds up a collection of such models (or fables) that they can use as theoretical case studies, and a way to express their ideas. It also allows for a way to turn verbal theories into more formal ones that can be tested for basic consistency. …
  • Abstractions – … These are the models that are most common in mathematics and theoretical computer science. They have some overlap with analytic heuristics, except are done more rigorously and not with the goal of collecting a bouquet of useful analogies or case studies, but of general statements. An abstraction is a model that is set up so that given any valid instantiation of its premises, the conclusions necessarily follow. …”

The social sciences are solidly in the heuristics realm, while a lot of science is in the insilication category. The difficulty is knowing where the boundary lies. Actually, I think it’s a continuum, not a categorical. One can get some hint by looking at the problem context for models. For example:

Known state variables? Reality Checks (conservation laws, etc.)? Data per concept? Structural information from more granular observations or models? Experiments? Computation?
Physics yes lots lots yes yes often easy
Climate yes some some for many things not at scale limited
Economics no some some – flaky microfoundations often lacking or unused not at scale limited

(Ironically, I’m implying a model here, which is probably wrong, but hopefully useful.)

A lot of our most interesting problems are currently at the heuristics end of the spectrum. Some may migrate toward better model performance, and others probably won’t – particularly models of decision processes that willfully ignore models.

Facebook Reloaded 2013

Facebook has climbed out of its 2012 doldrums to a market cap of $115 billion today. So, I’ve updated my user tracking and valuation model, just for kicks.

As in my last update, user growth continues to modestly exceed the original estimates. The user “carrying capacity” now is about 1.35 billion users, vs. .95 originally (K950 on graph) and 1.07 in 2012 – within the range of scenarios I originally ran, but well above the “best guess”. My guess is that the model will continue to underpredict for a while, because this is an inevitable pitfall of using a single diffusion process to represent what is surely the aggregate of several processes – stationary vs. mobile, different regions and demographics, etc. Of course, in the long run, users could also go down, which the basic logistic model can’t represent.

You can see what’s going on if you plot growth against users -the right tail doesn’t go to 0 as fast as the logistic assumes:

User growth probably isn’t a huge component of valuation, because these are modest differences on a percentage basis. Marginal users may be less valuable as well.

With revenue per user at a constant $7/user/year, and 30% margins, and the current best-guess model, FB is now worth $35 billion. What does it take to get to the ballpark of current market capitalization? Here’s one way:

  • The carrying capacity ceiling for users continues to grow to 2 billion, and
  • revenue per user rises to $25/user/year

This preserves some optimistic base case assumptions,

  • The risk-free interest rate takes 5 more years to rise substantially above 0 to a (still low) long term rate of 3%
  • Margins stay at 30% as in 2009-2011 (vs. 18% y.t.d.)

Think it’ll happen?

facebook 3 update 2.vpm

Random rein control

An interesting article in PLOS one explores the consequences of a system of random feedbacks:

The Emergence of Environmental Homeostasis in Complex Ecosystems

The Earth, with its core-driven magnetic field, convective mantle, mobile lid tectonics, oceans of liquid water, dynamic climate and abundant life is arguably the most complex system in the known universe. This system has exhibited stability in the sense of, bar a number of notable exceptions, surface temperature remaining within the bounds required for liquid water and so a significant biosphere. Explanations for this range from anthropic principles in which the Earth was essentially lucky, to homeostatic Gaia in which the abiotic and biotic components of the Earth system self-organise into homeostatic states that are robust to a wide range of external perturbations. Here we present results from a conceptual model that demonstrates the emergence of homeostasis as a consequence of the feedback loop operating between life and its environment. Formulating the model in terms of Gaussian processes allows the development of novel computational methods in order to provide solutions. We find that the stability of this system will typically increase then remain constant with an increase in biological diversity and that the number of attractors within the phase space exponentially increases with the number of environmental variables while the probability of the system being in an attractor that lies within prescribed boundaries decreases approximately linearly. We argue that the cybernetic concept of rein control provides insights into how this model system, and potentially any system that is comprised of biological to environmental feedback loops, self-organises into homeostatic states.

To get a handle on how this works, I replicated the model (see my library).

The basic mechanism of the model is rein control, in which multiple unidirectional forces on a system act together to yield bidirectional feedback control. By analogy, the reins on a horse can only pull in one direction, but with a pair of reins, it’s possible to turn both left and right.

In the model, there’s a large random array of reins, consisting of biotic feedbacks that occur near a particular system state. In the simple one-dimensional case, when you add a bunch of these up, you get a 1D vector field that looks like this:

If this looks familiar, there’s a reason. What’s happening along the E dimension is a lot like what happens along the time dimension in pink noise: at any given point, the sum of a lot of random impulses yield a wiggly net response, with a characteristic scale yielded by the time constant (pink noise) or niche width of biotic components (rein control).

What this yields is an alternating series of unstable (tipping) points and stable equilibria. When the system is perturbed by some external force, the disturbance shifts the aggregate response, as below. Generally, a few stable points may disappear, but the large features of the landscape are preserved, so the system resists the disturbance.

With a higher-dimensional environmental state, this creates convoluted basins of attraction:

This leads to a variety of conclusions about ecological stability, for which I encourage you to have a look at the full paper. It’s interesting to ponder the applicability and implications of this conceptual model for social systems.

Positive feedback drives email list meltdown

I’m on an obscure email list for a statistical downscaling model. I think I’ve gotten about 10 messages in the last two years. But today, that changed.

List traffic (data in red).

Around 7 am, there were a couple of innocuous, topical messages. That prompted someone who’d evidently long forgotten about the list to send an “unsubscribe me” message to the whole list. (Why people can’t figure out that such missives are both ineffective and poor list etiquette is beyond me.) That unleashed a latent vicious cycle: monkey-see, monkey-do produced a few more “unsub” messages. Soon the traffic level became obnoxious, spawning more and more ineffectual unsubs. Then, the brakes kicked in, as more sensible users appealed to people to quit replying to the whole list. Those messages were largely lost in the sea of useless unsubs, and contributed to the overall impression that things were out of control.

People got testy:

I will reply to all to make my point.

Has it occurred to any of you idiots to just reply to Xxxx Xxxx rather than hitting reply to all. Come on already, this is not rocket science here. One person made the mistake and then you all continue to repeat it.

By about 11, the fire was slowing, evidently having run out of fuel (list ignoramuses), and someone probably shut it down by noon – but not before at least a hundred unsubs had flown by.

Just for kicks, I counted the messages and put together a rough-cut Vensim model of this little boom-bust cycle:

unsub.mdl unsub.vpm

This is essentially the same structure as the Bass Diffusion model, with a few refinements. I think I didn’t quite capture the unsubscriber behavior. Here, I assume that would-be unsubscribers, who think they’ve left the list but haven’t, at least quit sending messages. In reality, they didn’t – in blissful ignorance of what was going on, several sent multiple requests to be unsubscribed. I didn’t explicitly represent the braking effect (if any) of corrective comments. Also, the time constants for corrections and unsubscriptions could probably be separated. But it has the basics – a positive feedback loop driving growth in messages, and a negative feedback loop putting an end to the growth. Anyway, have fun with it.

Computing and networks have solved a lot of problems, like making logistics pipelines visible, but they’ve created as many new ones. The need for models to improve intuition and manage new problems is as great as ever.