Polynomials & Interpolating Functions for Decision Rules

Sometimes it’s useful to have a way to express a variable as a flexible function of time, so that you can find the trajectory that maximizes some quantity like profit or fit to data. A caveat: this is not generally the best thing to do. A simple feedback rule will be more robust to rescaling and uncertainty and more informative than a function of time. However, there are times when it’s useful for testing or data approximation to have an open-loop decision rule. The attached models illustrate some options.

If you have access to arrays in Vensim, the simplest is to use the VECTOR LOOKUP function, which reads a subscripted table of values with interpolation. However, that has two limitations: a uniform time axis, and linear interpolation.

If you want a smooth function, a natural option is to pick a polynomial, like

y = a + b*t + c*t^2 + d*t^3 …

However, it can be a little fiddly to interpret the coefficients or get them to produce a desired behavior. The Legendre polynomials provide a basis with nicer scaling, which still recovers the basic linear, quadratic, cubic (etc.) terms when needed. (In terms of my last post, their improved properties make them less sloppy.)


You can generalize these to 2 dimensions by taking tensor products of the 1D series. Another option is to pick the first n terms of Pascal’s triangle. These yield essentially the same result, and either way, things get complex fast.

Back to 1D series, what if you want to express the values as a sequence of x-y points, with smooth interpolation, rather than arcane coefficients? One option is the Lagrange interpolating polynomial. It’s simple to implement, and has continuous derivatives, but it’s an N^2 problem and therefore potentially compute-intensive. It might also behave badly outside its interval, or inside due to ringing.

Probably the best choice for a smooth trajectory specified by x-y points (and optionally, the slope at each point) is a cubic spline or Bezier curve.

Polynomials1.mdl – simple smooth functions, Legendre, Lagrange and spline, runs in any version of Vensim

InterpolatingArrays.mdl InterpolatingArrays.vpm – array functions, VECTOR LOOKUP, Lagrange and spline, requires Pro/DSS or the free Reader

Sloppy System Dynamics

This post should be required reading for all modelers. And no, I’m not going to reproach sloppy modeling practices. This is much more interesting than that.

Sloppy models are an idea that formalizes a statement Jay Forrester made long ago, in Industrial Dynamics (13.5):

The third and least important aspect of a model to be considered in judging its validity concerns the values for its parameters (constant coefficients). The system dynamics will be found to be relatively insensitive to many of them. They may be chosen anywhere within a plausible range. The few sensitive parameters will be identified by model tests, and it is not so important to know their past values as it is to control their future values in a system redesign.

This remains true when you’re interested in estimation of parameters from data. At Ventana, we rely on the fact that structure and parameters for which you have no measurements will typically reveal themselves in the dynamics, if they’re dynamically important. (There are always pathological cases, where a nonlinearity makes something irrelevant in the past important in the future, but that’s why we don’t base models solely on formal data.)

Now, the required part.  Continue reading “Sloppy System Dynamics”

Vi Hart on positive feedback driving polarization

Vi Hart’s interesting comments on the dynamics of political polarization, following the release of an innocuous video:

I wonder what made those commenters think we have opposite views; surely it couldn’t just be that I suggest people consider the consequences of their words and actions. My working theory is that other markers have placed me on the opposite side of a cultural divide that they feel exists, and they are in the habit of demonizing the people they’ve put on this side of their imaginary divide with whatever moral outrage sounds irreproachable to them. It’s a rather common tool in the rhetorical toolset, because it’s easy to make the perceived good outweigh the perceived harm if you add fear to the equation.

Many groups have grown their numbers through this feedback loop: have a charismatic leader convince people there’s a big risk that group x will do y, therefore it seems worth the cost of being divisive with those who think that risk is not worth acting on, and that divisiveness cuts out those who think that risk is lower, which then increases the perceived risk, which lowers the cost of being increasingly divisive, and so on.

The above feedback loop works great when the divide cuts off a trust of the institutions of science, or glorifies a distrust of data. It breaks the feedback loop if you act on science’s best knowledge of the risk, which trends towards staying constant, rather than perceived risk, which can easily grow exponentially, especially when someone is stoking your fear and distrust.

If a group believes that there’s too much risk in trusting outsiders about where the real risk and harm are, then, well, of course I’ll get distrustful people afraid that my mathematical views on risk/benefit are in danger of creating a fascist state. The risk/benefit calculation demands it be so.

How to ensure that your survey data is useless for dynamic modeling

I’ve been working with pharma brand tracking data, used to calibrate a part of an integrated model of prescriptions in a disease class. Understanding docs’ perceptions of drugs is pretty important, because it’s the major driver of rx. Drug companies spend a lot of money collecting this data; vendors work hard to collect it by conducting quarterly interviews with doctors in a variety of specialties.

Unfortunately, most of the data is poorly targeted for dynamic modeling. It seems to be collected to track and guide ad messaging, but that leads to turbulence that prevents drawing any long term conclusions from the data. That’s likely to lead to reactive decision making. Here’s how to minimize strategic information content:

  1. Ask a zillion questions. Be sure that interviewees have thorough decision fatigue by the time you get to anything important.
  2. Ask numerical questions that require recall of facts no one can remember (how many patients did you treat with X in the last 3 months?).
  3. Change the questions as often as possible, to ensure that you never revisit the same topic twice. (Consistency is so 2015.)
  4. Don’t document those changes.
  5. Avoid cardinal scales. Use vague nominal categories wherever possible. Don’t waste time documenting those categories.
  6. Keep the sample small, but report results in lots of segments.
  7. Confidence bounds? Bah! Never show weakness.
  8. Archive the data in PowerPoint.

On the other hand, please don’t! A few consistent, well-quantified questions are pure gold if you want to untangle causality that plays out over more than a quarter.

Where are the dynamic project managers?

Project management has been one of the most productive and successful areas of system dynamics. And yet, when I recently looked at project management tools and advice, I couldn’t find a hint of SD dynamic insights into product management. Lists of reasons for project failure almost entirely neglect endogenous explanations.

Nothing about rework, late change orders, design/implementation balance, schedule pressure effects on quality and productivity, overtime burnout and turnover, Brooks’ Law, multiphase resource allocation, firefighting or tipping points.

I think there’s an insight and a puzzle here. The insight is that mismanaged dynamics and misperceptions of feedback aren’t the only way to screw up. There are exogenous and single-cause failure modes, like hiring people with the wrong skill set for a job, building something no one wants, or just failing to keep in touch with your team.

However, I’m pretty sure the dominant cause of execution failure is dynamic. Large projects are like sleeping monsters. They are full of positive feedback loops that, when triggered cause increasing delays and overruns, perhaps explaining the heavy-tailed distribution of massive project failures. So, the puzzle is, how could there be so little mention, and so few tools, for management of the internal causes of project success?

Not coincidentally, this problem is one of the major reasons we built Ventity. We’re currently working on project models that are entirely data driven, so you can switch from building a house to building a power plant just by changing some tables of input. We think this will be the missing link between data-oriented tools that manage projects statically in exquisite detail and dynamic models that realistically describe projects, but have traditionally been hard to build, calibrate and reuse.

Detecting the inconsistency of BS

DARPA put out a request for a BS detector for science. I responded with a strategy for combining the results of multiple models (using Rahmandad, Jalali & Paynabar’s generalized meta-analysis with some supporting infrastructure like data archiving) to establish whether new findings are consistent with an existing body of knowledge.

DARPA didn’t bite. I have no idea why, but could speculate from the RFC that they had in mind something more like a big data approach that would use text analysis to evaluate claims. Hopefully not, because a text-only approach will have limited power. Here’s why.

Continue reading “Detecting the inconsistency of BS”


The word “quizzaciously” was literally absent from the web until Vsauce mentioned it in this cool video on Zipf’s law.

Google Trends reflects this. The week of the video’s release, there was a huge spike in interest, followed by a rapid decay, not all the way to zero, but to a slow simmer of interest.

The video discusses power laws as a model of memory. So … has the internet remembered the video according to a power law? Not exactly, but it certainly has a hint of one:

My guess is that the trajectory is modified by word-of-mouth processes that create sustained interest.

Thyroid Dynamics

Quite a while back, I posted about the dynamics of the thyroid and its interactions with other systems.

That was a conceptual model; this is a mathematical model. This is a Vensim replication of:

Marisa Eisenberg, Mary Samuels, and Joseph J. DiStefano III

Extensions, Validation, and Clinical Applications of a Feedback Control System Simulator of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis

Background:We upgraded our recent feedback control system (FBCS) simulation model of human thyroid hormone (TH) regulation to include explicit representation of hypothalamic and pituitary dynamics, and up-dated TH distribution and elimination (D&E) parameters. This new model greatly expands the range of clinical and basic science scenarios explorable by computer simulation.

Methods: We quantified the model from pharmacokinetic (PK) and physiological human data and validated it comparatively against several independent clinical data sets. We then explored three contemporary clinical issues with the new model: …

… These results highlight how highly nonlinear feedback in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis acts to maintain normal hormone levels, even with severely reduced TSH secretion.

Volume 18, Number 10, 2008
DOI: 10.1089=thy.2007.0388

This version is a superset of the authors’ earlier 2006 model, and closely reproduces that with a few parameter changes.

L-T4 Bioequivalence and Hormone Replacement Studies via Feedback Control Simulations

Volume 16, Number 12, 2006

The model is used in:

TSH-Based Protocol, Tablet Instability, and Absorption Effects on L-T4 Bioequivalence

Volume 19, Number 2, 2009
DOI: 10.1089=thy.2008.0148

This works with any Vensim version:

thyroid 2008 d.mdl

thyroid 2008 d.vpm

Discrete Time Stinks

Discrete time modeling is often convenient, occasionally right and frequently treacherous.

You often see models expressed in discrete time, like
Samuelson's multiplier-accelerator
That’s Samuelson’s multiplier-accelerator model. The same notation is ubiquitous in statistics, economics, ABM and many other areas.

Samuelson multiplier-accelerator schematic

So, what’s the problem?

  1. Most of the real world does not happen in discrete time. A few decisions, like electric power auctions, happen at regular intervals, but those are the exception. Most of the time we’re modeling on long time scales relative to underlying phenomena, and we have lots of heterogeneous agents or particles or whatever, with diverse delays and decision intervals.
  2. Discrete time can be artificially unstable. A stable continuous system can be made unstable by simulating at too large a discrete interval. A discrete system may oscillate, where its continuous equivalent would not.
  3. You can’t easily test for the effect of the time time step on stability. Q: If your discrete time model is running with one Excel row per interval, how will you test an interval that’s 1/2 or 1/12 as big for comparison? A: You won’t. Even if it occurs to you to try, it would be too much of a pain.
  4. The measurement interval isn’t necessarily the relevant dynamic time scale. Often the time step of a discrete model derives from the measurement interval in the data. There’s nothing magic about that interval, with respect to how the system actually works.
  5. The notions of stocks and flows and system state are obscured. (See the diagram from the Samuelson model above.) Lack of stock flow consistency can lead to other problems, like failure to conserve physical quantities.
  6. Units are ambiguous. This is a consequence of #5. When states and their rates of change appear on an equal footing in an equation, it’s hard to work out what’s what. Discrete models tend to be littered with implicit time constants and other hidden parameters.
  7. Most delays aren’t discrete. In the Samuelson model, output depends on last year’s output. But why not last week’s, or last century’s? And why should a delay consist of precisely 3 periods, rather than be distributed over time? (This critique applies to some Delay Differential Equations, too.)
  8. Most logic isn’t discrete. When time is marching along merrily in discrete lockstep, it’s easy to get suckered into discrete thinking: “if the price of corn is lower than last year’s price of corn, buy hogs.” That might be a good model of one farmer, but it lacks nuance, and surely doesn’t represent the aggregate of diverse farmers. This is not a fault of discrete time per se, but the two often go hand in hand. (This is one of many flaws in the famous Levinthal & March model.)

Certainly, there are cases that require a discrete time simulation (here’s a nice chapter on analysis of such systems). But most of the time, a continuous approach is a better starting point, as Jay Forrester wrote 50 years ago. The best approach is sometimes a hybrid, with an undercurrent of continuous time for the “physics” of the model, but with measurement processes represented by explicit sampling at discrete intervals.

So, what if you find a skanky discrete time model in your analytic sock drawer? Fear not, you can convert it.

Consider the adstock model, representing the cumulative effects of advertising:

Ad Effect = f(Adstock)
Adstock(t) = Advertising(t) + k*Adstock(t-1)

Notice that k is related to the lifetime of advertising, but because it’s relative to the discrete interval, it’s misleadingly dimensionless. Also, the interval is fixed at 1 time unit, and can’t be changed without scaling k.

Also notice that the ad effect has an instantaneous component. Usually there’s some delay between ad exposure and action. That delay might be negligible in some cases, like in-app purchases, but it’s typically not negligible for in-store behavior.

You can translate this into Vensim lingo literally by using a discrete delay:

Adstock = Advertising + k*Previous Adstock ~ GRPs
Previous Adstock = DELAY FIXED( Adstock, Ad Life, 0 ) ~ GRPs
Ad life = ... ~ weeks

That’s functional, but it’s not much of an improvement. Much better is to recognize that Adstock is (surprise!) a stock that changes over time:

Ad Effect = f(Adstock) ~ dimensionless
Adstock = INTEG( Advertising - Forgetting, 0 ) ~ GRPs
Advertising = ... ~ GRPs/week
Forgetting = Adstock / Ad Life ~ GRPs/week
Ad Life = ... ~ weeks

Now the ad life has a dimensioned real-world interpretation and you can simulate with whatever time step you need, independent of the parameters (as long as it’s small enough).

There’s one fly in the ointment: the instantaneous ad effect I mentioned above. That happens when, for example, the data interval is weekly, and ads released have some effect within their week of release – the Monday sales flyer drives weekend sales, for example.

There are two solutions for this:

  • The “cheat” is to include a bit of the current flow of advertising in the effective adstock, via a “current week effect” parameter. This is a little tricky, because it locks you into the weekly time step. You can generalize that away at the cost of more complexity in the equations.
  • A more fundamental solution is to run the model at a finer time step than the data interval. This gives you a cleaner model, and you lose nothing with respect to calibration (in Vensim/Ventity at least).

Occasionally, you’ll run into more than one delayed state on the right side of the equation, as with the inclusion of Y(t-1) and Y(t-2) in the Samuelson model (top). That generally signals either a delay with a complex structure (e.g., 2nd or higher order), or some other higher-order effect. Generally, you should be able to give a name and interpretation to these states (as with the construction of Y and C in the Samuelson model). If you can’t, don’t pull your hair out. It could be that the original is ill-formulated. Instead, think things through from scratch with stocks and flows in mind.