Model Library

This library contains replications of many classic models from system dynamics and related fields. Citations are provided. Unfortunately I don’t know of online resources for most of the articles, but links are provided where possible. MIT theses are now available online through MIT Document Services. Many classic SD publications are available through Leverage Networks and Amazon.

Many of the models in this library were recreated from published works by students in the MIT Sloan School’s PhD Seminar in System Dynamics. Where credit is unknown, thanks should go to Rogelio Oliva, Scott Rockart, Nelson Repenning, Ed Anderson, Liz Krahmer, Hank Taylor, and several other MIT students for the arduous process of reconstructing these models from published sources. Be forewarned that, since most of these models are replications, it’s possible that they contain errors introduced in the publication or reconstruction process.

Generally, the models in this library may be freely used and distributed, subject to authors’ copyright, which should be noted in the model file. Naturally you should acknowledge the hard work of the authors and implementors who created these files.

There are some differences in floating point math between hardware platforms, so you may find differences in output or fp errors I haven’t discovered that occur only on one platform. Many models can be run and edited with Vensim PLE (free); models with arrays, optimization, or other advanced features may be browsed and run with the Vensim Model Reader, but require purchase of Vensim DSS or Pro for editing.

I’m happy to entertain submissions.

Models are under the Model Library categories in the sidebar. Here’s a full list:

3 thoughts on “Model Library”

  1. Dear Tom
    I am Roya Farhadi, PhD scholar of Tehran university of entomology. My thesis is about prey and predator. I would like to develop a vensim model. As I surfed in net, I found a vensim model figured in your belog (

    I would like to know how has developed this model and how can I contact her or him?
    I would appreciate you for the time you spend for me.

    Best regards,
    Roya Farhadi

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